A Kereső Világ és a Számítógépes nyelvészet szervezésében ősszel folytatódik a Hungarian Natural Language Processing Meetup. A Weblib támogatásának köszönhetően a szezont a Colabsben folytatjuk és izgalmas programot tudtunk összeállítani.
A Hungarian Natural Language Processing Meetup következő találkozója szeptember 26-án lesz. Két angol nyelvű előadást hallgathatnak meg az érdeklődők enterprise search és adatbányászat témában. A részvétel ingyenes, mint mindig, de kérünk mindenkit, hogy segítsék a rendezők munkáját egy előzetes regisztrációval a meetupoldalon.
Ágnes Molnár: Entity Extraction – Getting structured information from unstructured content?
Most organizations suffer from an explosion of content of many types from many systems; Enterprise Search can be the bridge across information silos and make all this content easy to find and act on.
Tagging and classification are good ways to improve findability, but it takes time and human resources unless you have a good way to automate these steps. In this session, I will demonstrate how to plan and get ready for this level of search solution maturity, how to extract structured information from unstructured content, and what the key points and most important challenges are of entity extraction, as well as how to use the extracted information in your Search solutions.
Short bio
Agnes Molnar serves as a Senior Search Solutions Consultant for BA Insight (www.bainsight.com). With a strong focus on Enterprise Search and Knowledge Management, she has been working with SharePoint technologies since 2001, and has architected dozens of SharePoint and FAST implementations for commercial and government organizations throughout Europe and the Americas.
In her role at BA Insight, Agnes helps guide the company’s product development team, and oversees enterprise-level deployments of the company’s technologies. A co-author and contributor to several books, including Real World SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2010 Unleashed, Agnes is a regular speaker at technical conferences and symposiums around the world. On her blog (www.aghy.hu), Agnes regularly writes on the topics of enterprise search best practices, and SharePoint & FAST technologies.
Zsuzsanna Huczman: What is data mining? - Getting knowledge from structured data.
Every big company makes sales campaigns regularly when they call customers to sell something or give a discounted offer. It is based on the data in the background which is collected from customers - and also non-customers too. Which customers are called and which offers are given for them? This decision is becoming harder and harder while the number of customers and products are rising. This is the reason why data mining comes into focus: there are several data mining algorithms which can help us to convert big databases into useful information. Rapid Miner is an open source data mining software which is easy-to-use for everybody, I would like to show a data mining process with this tool based on real database.
Short bio
I received an MSc degree from the BME in 2009. During university I have the opportunity to take part in a financial project of one of the data mining group of BME. I have been working at Data Solutions Ltd. (www.datasolutions.hu) for 4 years as analyst. Predecessor of this company was among the first consultant companies in the Central-European region which are specialized in data mining 15 years ago. My special fields are different types of open source data mining software and the telecommunication sector where I work with IBM SPSS Modeler (previously known as Clementine) and RapidMiner. I started a blog (adatmagus.blog.hu) one year ago whose mission is familiarizing public with data mining widespread.
Október 19-én tartjuk első NLP matinénkat, mely célja, hogy a nyelvtechnológiai cégeket és megoldásaikat bemutassa a nagyérdeműnek. A részvétel szintén ingyenes, kérjük előzetes regisztrációval segítsd a munkánkat.
Ha nyelvi, nyelvtechnológiai megoldásokat kínálsz, vagy szükséged lenne számítógépes nyelvészeti szakértelemre, gyere el!
Egy ötperces előadásban bemutathatod céged (jelentkezni a zoltan.varju(kukac)gmail.com címen lehet)- a bemutatók után pedig kötetlenül lehet kérdezni és ismerkedni.